To provide Satellite Links at Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station it has and does require testing to be performed on components, systems, and paths, of many types of equipment. There are various types of test equipment need to perform these tests. Some tests are done in situ on an antenna, or in an equipment hall. Other tests are done in lab conditions.
The Goonhilly Heritage Society has set up such a Lab Test facility capable of doing RF testing both in the HF and SHF bands. The heart of the “Network Analyzer Test Bench” are two Network Analyzers (fundamental to testing in relation to “Transmission Line Theory”) . One Analyzer is a “Scalar Network Analyzer” capable of doing measurements between 10Mhz and 20GHz. This analyzer can make sure that various RF Components (such as filters), or systems, meet their specification in terms of loss/ gain, or reflected power.
The other analyser is a “Vector Network Analyzer”, this has a more limited frequency range up to 500MHz, but in addition to doing the work of the “Scalar Network Analyzer” it is capable of more detailed analysis of impedances (performance) of RF Components and systems.
We use the equipment for training purposes, in addition to the building and maintenance of various recovered ex Goonhilly Communications equipment, now considered obsolete, or otherwise relating to the past.
The understanding of Transmission Lines as represented at Goonhilly with Waveguide and Coax Cables and the components within them, is fundamental to being able to perform installation and maintenance work at an Earth Station. In providing this facility, we preserve equipment and history of what was done at Goonhilly in the past, while still being relevant to the technology and equipment of today.